The game works as an icebreaker for newcomers to the flea market, taking away any confusion or sales pressure by opening a fun line of communication to mostly impulsive buyers, increasing the chances of new sales.


We create a family friendly mystery adventure that is played throughout the flea market or venue. We will choose up to 30 vendors/ stores who would like to participate, 10 vendors per game. Each vendor will have a personalized digital clue accessed by a QR code. Players will interact with the  participating merchants where they can showcase their products. The QR codes will ensure regular speed of business while bringing in new motivated, and excited customers. The game will allow players to walk through the flea market, interact with merchants and see the wonderful treasures spread throughout.


Our uniquely written Mystery Games targets many different demographics which not only brings new business to the flea market but magnifies each merchant's best qualities. This is a perfect way to bring in motivated impulsive buyers to your vendors, in a relaxed fun environment, while playing an exciting game.

Our unique “NAME PARTNERSHIP” concept integrates our mystery games with your establishment  (i.e. “Flea Market” Mystery Adventures). Customers perceive that the Mystery Game is an additional service that you offer. In effect we become your very own mystery  game that we would completely run. Our goal is to use these games to bring in new business  to your establishment.

We do the work, and your business gets the credit!

We advertise our games and Your Venue on social media and other sources.

To the customers we are a stimulating, unique game that uses your entire flea market as a game-board. Players become the game pieces in our real-life game; utilizing common knowledge and teamwork to solve

fun, thought-provoking mystery games - perfect for families.

We do not charge the flea market or vendors - only the players. We ask that you provide us with two spaces one in the front of the flea market and one at the back. This will ensure that the players get to walk throughout the entire marketplace. We will erect two 10X10 tents, one tent will be used for welcoming players the other will be used for the escape room ending.

We integrate a new visitor customer tracking system. A player will be asked to answer a small survey at the time of purchase, as well as an option for each participating vendor to log any purchases made by one of our players. This system will keep track of all new business generated by Mystery Adventures allowing you to keep track of the success of the marketing campaign.








Our innovative games uses technology in order to bring people back to how markets used to be: gathering neighbors together, exploring new places and meeting new people.

 Active Participation


 Passive Participation

 This level of participation is the most recommended as it will encourage direct interaction with the player and may lead to a sale between the vendor and player. The QR code clue will be hidden on a specific product that the vendor wants to showcase. The vendor will give a verbal clue as to what product the QR code is hidden on and will allow the vendor to talk about the features of the spotlighted product. This is a way to increase the time interacting with the customer and engage with them in a meaningful way in order to increase the probability that they would make a sale

 This choice gives the customers the ability to play the game without requiring direct communication with the vendors. This is done by displaying the QR code clue openly with in the vendors space allowing the vendor to continue with their normal business. The participating vendor will still have a chance to highlight their selected product in the commercial.


 Active Participation


 Passive Participation

 This level of participation is the most recommended as it will encourage direct interaction with the player and may lead to a sale between the vendor and player. The QR code clue will be hidden on a specific product that the vendor wants to showcase. The vendor will give a verbal clue as to what product the QR code is hidden on and will allow the vendor to talk about the features of the spotlighted product. This is a way to increase the time interacting with the customer and engage with them in a meaningful way in order to increase the probability that they would make a sale

 This choice gives the customers the ability to play the game without requiring direct communication with the vendors. This is done by displaying the QR code clue openly with in the vendors space allowing the vendor to continue with their normal business. The participating vendor will still have a chance to highlight their selected product in the commercial.